Windows Batch Script 심오하군...

특정 Tomcat Instance 찾아 KILL

@echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion

# Command 에서는...
wmic process where "Name='java.exe' AND commandLine like '%test-app%'" delete

# Batch Script 에서는 "%" 변수에대한 접두사라서 LIKE 검색이 안되니 두개로... 그 안에 변수라면 아래와 같이 
wmic process where "Name='java.exe' AND commandLine like '%%%HTTPD_WORKER_NM%%%'" delete

Tomcat 기동여부 확인 - 해당 포트가 떠 있나 확인 후 있으면 PID 및 실행 문자열 출력

@echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion

netstat -na | find "LISTENING" | find /C ":%AJP_PORT%" > tmpFile
set /P result=<tmpFile
del tmpFile

REM echo !result!
if !result!==0 (
	echo ===== TOMCAT IS STOPED =====
) else (
	echo ===== TOMCAT IS RUNNING =====
	wmic process where "Name='java.exe' AND commandLine like '%%%HTTPD_WORKER_NM%%%'" get commandLine, processid

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